Documentary: Never Perfect. Never Over.
Advocating for harm reduction is a commitment to honoring individual autonomy. Through our community work, we’ve had the privilege of connecting with extraordinary participants who are too often overlooked. We’ve also had the opportunity to learn from so many community leaders, educators, outreach team members, fellow advocates, family, and friends.
We’re thrilled to finally share our long-awaited project, which includes many (though never enough) members of the harm reduction community. We are deeply grateful for over 30+ years of love and support, ensuring that services continue for those who need them most. Stay tuned for details on how to watch the full-length feature.
Naloxone PSA
Naloxone should be given to any person who shows signs of opioid poisoning.TNE Harm Reduction
Elevate Health HighlightsTNE History and Overview
Elevate Health HighlightsTNE Misconceptions Regarding Needle Exchange
Elevate Health HighlightsTNE Narcan/Naloxone
As the risks from injecting drugs have changed in recent years, so has the Tacoma Needle Exchange, in their 28th year of saving lives.DRUGS & AIDS: AN APPEAL TO USERS (1988)
Please note this video is for historical purposes and does not contain current best practices i.e. bleaching and reusing works. Please contact a staff member if you have any questions.Stories + Articles
Here is a peek at what has happened and what's new in the world of harm reduction. Thank you to the many journalists who have spilled ink, lost sleep, and taken risks to help our movement gain momentum and reverse the toxic effects of stigma.